
Interested in partnering with Belly Dance Network to get your bellydance event, product or service seen? Keep reading!

List Event in Online Directory

Cost: Free

Add your upcoming bellydance event to our website,, by filling out our online form here. After you submit the form, we will review and publish your event. You will be contacted when the event is live.

Advertise Event, Product or Service on Instagram

Cost: Starts at $100/post

With over 63,000 followers on Instagram and counting, there are plenty of opportunities to get your bellydance event seen. DM us on Instagram or send an email to get started!

Advertise Products on Our Website

Cost: $99/year

Have an Etsy account where you sell bellydance products? Have your own costume website? Promote your bellydance product business by listing your page on our new and upcoming Shop page! DM us on Instagram for more information.

Get Your Event Flyer on Belly Dance Network’s Home Page

Cost: Starts at $250/month

Interested in having your event be one of the first the world sees when they come to our site? This may be the option for you! We limit flyers on our home page to five at a time to increase the likelihood yours will be seen. DM us on Instagram for more information: @BellyDanceNetwork

Become a Brand Partner

Cost: Varies

Interested in getting your product or service seen on our website or Instagram? DM us on Instagram or send an email to get started!


[email protected]

